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This guide will show you what is Fluentix.

I. Fluentix? What’s that?

Fluentix, a programming language meant to be fluent. We understand that the hardest part of coding is the moment when your devastated, searching for the syntax and smashing your head in mountains of unrelated mountains of information. We want to help you with that, so we make this language. That’s our plan… maybe in the future it will solve.

II. Features

Fluentix has packed itself some features:

  • Simple Syntax: With a simple syntax mechanism, you can easily remember it’s syntax and code more fluently.
  • Useful tools*: With useful tools from community made to prebuilt, all of it is available for free and ready to fuel up your needs!
  • Customizable: Fluentix is freely customizable, everything to suite your needs of coding!

(*: WIP = work in progress)

III. Community

Our community is a friendly and helpful zone you can find in:

Hopefully you will have a good time coding with us!

IV. Contribute

Wanna contribute? Great! Please let us noticed by mailing us or ping us on our Discord. We are so happy to meet contributors! Don’t worry, your name, mail,… (whatever you want) will be on our contributors as a thank you!