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This guide will provide additional plugins to ensure the best coding experience possible.

I. VS-Code

If you have installed VS-Code already, click here.

Before you start, we recommend you to get VS-Code: a free code editor that you should have (because it supports text-highlighting for our language). Of cource, other code-editors still works, but it won’t have syntax-highlighting (our language is not that popular). Below are 2 images you can see for preferences:

image image2

Image 1 shows VS-Code window, image 2 shows Thonny window

You can see in image 1 has syntax highlighting, while the second one does not. In the future we will make our own code editor for our own language.

You can install VS-Code by clicking here (recommended latest).

After installation, it’s time to install the Fluentix plugin.

II. Fluentix Extension

When your in main window of VS-Code, Open the “Extensions” sidebar (you can use Ctrl+Shift+X for Windows or Command+Shift+X for Mac). Go in the search bar and search for “Fluentix” and Enter. Then this should appear:


Click on “Fluentix - Syntax”, then press the blue “Install” button.


There you go, you have successfully installed the Fluentix plugin, now you can see the syntax highlights when you create a new .flu or .fl file.